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When the stranger chose the stoutest bow among them all, next to Robin's own, and a straight gray goose shaft, well-feathered and smooth, and stepping to the mark—while all the band, sitting or lying upon the greensward, watched to see him shoot—he drew the arrow to his cheek and loosed the shaft right deftly, sending it so straight down the path that it clove the mark in the very center.  "Aha!" cried the stranger, "mend thou that if thou canst"; while even the yeomen clapped their hands at so fair a shot.

"That is a keen shot indeed," quoth Robin. "Mend it I cannot, but mar it I may, perhaps."

Then taking up his own good stout bow and nocking an arrow with care, Robin shot with his very greatest skill.  Straight flew the arrow, and so true that it lit fairly upon the stranger's shaft and split it into splinters.  Then all the yeomen leaped to their feet and shouted for joy that their master Robin had shot so well.

"Now by the lusty yew bow of good Saint Withold," cried the stranger, "that is a shot indeed, and never saw I the like in all my life before!  Now truly will I be thy man henceforth and for aye.  Good Adam Bell was a fair shot, but never shot he so!"


The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

by Howard Pyle

Aim And Shoot


Emotion Potion Essential Oil Blend

Are you under the spell of...
Then break the spell with...
Aim And Shoot
Emotion Potion Essential Oil Blend

Fairy tale characters often need great focus to achieve their goals.  It took Robin Hood so much mental focus and concentration to become the famed archer that he was.  The legendary King Arthur needed great focus while pulling the sword from the stone.  Dorothy focused on clicking her heels together 3 times to wish herself home to Kansas. The miller's daughter spent the entire night focused on figuring out Rumpelstiltskin's name.


We, too, sometimes need help staying alert and focusing on the task at hand.  Taking a test, doing homework, driving a car, performing a sport, and meditation all require extreme concentration. 


We sometimes need the sharp focus of a falcon as it hunts its prey from skies above.

Hit the bullseye with Aim And Shoot Emotion Potion essential oil blend!  It will help you stay calm and focused, yet strong and energized so you can hit your target with maximum precision.

BLUE is the color of FOCUS

  • BLUE calms the mind enabling us to focus and concentrate

  • BLUE is associated with precision, depth, and expertise

  • BLUE represents confidence, stability, and professionalism

  • BLUE is the symbol of knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness

  • BLUE (Indigo) is associated with the Third Eye Chakra of focus, sixth-sense perception, concentration, consciousness, and fine-tuned awareness


Aim And Shoot is


Take it with you wherever your journey leads you.


  • Frankincense (Boswellia carterii)

  • Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis)

  • Rosemary Cineole (Salvia rosmarinus ct cineole)

  • Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

  • Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis)


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Frankincense (Boswellia carterii):

Plant Part: Gum/Resin

Aroma: Earthy, Warm, Resinous, Rich, Balsamic, Musky, Citrusy, Fresh


Focused Frankincense!  No other essential oil can help you achieve a more still, tranquil, and meditative mindset than Frankincense.  Resins like Frankincense function to protect and heal the plant.  These same properties apply to humans, and thus Frankincense is healing to us on all levels of spirit and emotion.  Frankincense is the most sacred of all aromas. Treasured for thousands of years, it was once considered more valuable than gold and offered to baby Jesus upon his birth.  Its ability to help calm you down and allow you to focus has made Frankincense a vital meditative tool for centuries. When your mind seems to be overwhelmed with thoughts of what must be done or should have been done, Frankincense calms and centers you to help you think more clearly.

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Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis):

Plant Part: Leaves

Aroma: Camphoraceous, Fresh, Spicy, Slightly Sweet, Christmas-like, Warm


Laurel leaves are associated with achievement and victory!  In ancient Greece, laurel wreaths were awarded to athletic and poet victors. In ancient Rome, they were used to crown successful martial commanders.  Without focus, there can be no victory.  Laurel essential oil helps you focus and keep your eye on the prize.  As a quintessential Third Eye Chakra essential oil, it allows you to concentrate by calming nervous tension, invigorating your senses, and preventing exhaustion.  It helps with low self-esteem or self-doubt.

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Rosemary cineole
(Salvia rosmarinus ct cineole):

Plant Part: Flowering tops

Aroma: Camphoraceous, Vibrant, Fresh, Medicinal, Strong, Warm


Rosemary remembers!  Rosemary essential oil brightens and sharpens the mind.  It increases alertness and concentration.  It clears the mind making it easier to remember things, and this allows for more effective study and work periods.  Ancient Greek students wore wreaths of Rosemary on their heads to aid memory.  Rosemary is also great for exhaustion and fatigue, so it can help you maintain your focus.

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Peppermint (Mentha x piperita):

Plant Part: Leaves

Aroma: Cool, Clean, Minty, Camphoraceous, Refreshing, Strong


Peppermint plus Rosemary equals one powerful concentration aid!  Instantly refreshing, Peppermint essential oil's cool and minty-fresh aroma helps you be alert and absorb information.  It clarifies the mind.  It helps increase concentration, focus, and mental sharpness.  It helps perk up a dull and hazy head.  Peppermint is clearing in that it assists us in moving out that which no longer serves us.  It enhances our receptivity for all that is new and fresh on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.  Peppermint's aroma gives us a fresh, new perspective on life and helps us digest situations and ideas.



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Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis):

Plant Part: Seeds


  • Antioxidant protection

  • Actually a liquid wax, is easily absorbed into the skin because it has absorption properties that are similar to our skin's own sebum

  • Hydrating, so it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles

  • Clearing and balancing

  • Supports the skin's natural pH balance which makes it great for all skin types



When you need help focusing or concentrating, pump potion into palm.  Rub palms together, cup palms over face, and take a moment to pause and deeply inhale the aroma.  Massage onto wrists, back of neck, and chest for added benefit.  Not recommended for face.  Reapply as needed.


Can be used on children 10 years of age and older.


If pregnant, nursing, suffering from any medical condition, or taking medication, consult a healthcare practitioner before use.  Avoid eyes and mucous membranes.  May irritate skin.  For external use only.  Keep out of reach of children.


Keep away from excessive heat and light.


We do not use the typical rollerball containers where applicator roller tip comes in contact with skin.


Instead, Aim And Shoot Emotion Potion comes in a pump-cap bottle preventing contamination of liquid oil inside.


Our green bottles provide UV protection for our light-sensitive potions.


  • Synthetic fragrances or ingredients

  • Fillers

  • Toxic chemicals and preservatives

  • Pesticides

  • Parabens

  • Pthalates

  • Sulfates

  • Synthetic Dyes

  • Triclosan

  • Refined Oils


The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Twelve Spells products are not intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing or preventing any disease.  If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider.



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