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Face The Dragon Emotion Potion

Sigurd's idea was to ambush the dragon…to dig a pit with his sword, climb in and hide.  When the reptile slithered across the pit, he would drive his sword into the dragon’s heart from underneath.  It was a brave plan.


If the dragon’s forelegs fell into the pit, his head would go in and that would be the end of Sigurd.  If his hind legs went in, his great feet would claw Sigurd to death or squash him.  Either of these things might happen.  But Sigurd was brave, and he dug the pit as he thought best, climbed down into it and tried to camouflage over it.  He hoped the dragon would not smell him.


Sigurd had never been so frightened as when he sat in the dark dugout, listening to Fafnir getting closer and closer.  His heart pounded in his chest and beads of sweat broke out across his forehead.  The dragon’s wheezing lungs drew nearer and nearer. And then thud! The dragon arrived over the pit. Without a second to lose Sigurd thrust his sword straight up through the camouflage and it cut directly into the dragon’s heart.  Fafnir lashed with his tail till stones broke and trees crashed about him.  Then he croaked and said:


`Whoever you are, my gold will bring you death.....'


Sigurd said: “I will die anyway, Fafnir, but now it is you that must die,” and he thrust the sword some more... and Fafnir died.


And after that Sigurd was called Fafnir's Bane, and Dragonslayer.


Sigurd The Dragonslayer…

Germanic Mythological Tale



Face The Dragon


Emotion Potion Essential Oil Blend

Are you under the spell of...



Then break the spell with...

Face The Dragon

Emotion Potion Essential Oil Blend

Courage is an essential element in every heroic legend or fairy tale.  The courage of Red Riding Hood to enter the dark, ominous forest to get to Grandmother's house and then face the wolf.  The courage of Cinderella to attend the ball not knowing if her evil stepmother and stepsisters would recognize her.  The courage of Gretel to shove the witch into the oven to free herself and Hansel.  The courage of the prince to get through the insurmountable, deadly thorn-hedge to reach Sleeping Beauty.  The courage of Dorothy and friends to travel to the Emerald City, ask the intimidating Wizard for help, and to then drench the terrifying Wicked Witch with water turning her into a puddle.  The courage of Alice to confront the barbarous Queen of Hearts who threatens to cut off her head.  The courage of Jack to climb the towering beanstalk and return again knowing that the angry giant could devour him.

Like fairy tale characters, there are times in life when we must all confront our fears.

Using Face The Dragon Emotion Potion is like suiting up in armor to ready yourself for battle against the fiercest of dragons.  This aromatherapy blend will help you find the courage and bravery you need to face your fears and achieve victory!

RED is the color of COURAGE

  • RED improves self-confidence for those who are shy

  • RED increases enthusiasm and helps you go after your dreams

  • RED is energizing and motivates us to take action

  • RED is the warmest of all colors and protects you from fears and anxieties

  • RED is associated with strength, power, leadership, determination, energy, war, desire, ambition, and the will to survive

  • RED is associated with the Root Chakra.  People with vital and balanced Root Chakras are grounded, independent, dependable, physically and financially secure and thrive.  A weak or unbalanced Root Chakra is indicated by fear, anxiety, insecurity, and being hesitant and sluggish.


Face The Dragon is


Take it with you wherever your journey leads you.


  • Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica)

  • Pinon Pine (Pinus edulis)
  • Rosemary Cineole (Salvia rosmarinus ct cineole)

  • Thyme Linalol (Thymus vulgaris ct linalol)

  • Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides)

  • Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis)


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Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica):

Plant Part: Wood

Aroma: Balsamic, Warm, Sweet, Woody


Like the wood from which it is distilled, Cedarwood essential oil fortifies and strengthens your emotional well-being.  Its aroma is grounding, uplifting, and centering.  Cedarwood provides security and reassurance to anyone suffering from insecurity or low self-esteem.  It is an essential oil for the Root Chakra and will therefore help you feel confident in your decisions and plans of action.

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Pinon Pine (Pinus edulis):

Plant Part: Needles, Twigs, Branches
Aroma: Coniferous, Citrus-edged, Balsamic, Resinous, Earthy, Fresh, Piney, Rich, Woody

Pinon Pine is a native pine tree of the American Southwest.  Many Native American tribes consider these trees sacred, and they serve many purposes.  Some tribes use them as protection against witchcraft.  Pinon pines emit an aroma that refreshes, relaxes, uplifts, and cleanses.  This aroma helps prevent feelings of fatigue, physical exhaustion, and mental exhaustion.  Pinon Pine essential oil encourages deep breathing which helps calm you down when facing your fears.

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Rosemary cineole
(Salvia rosmarinus ct cineole):

Plant Part: Flowering Plant/Herbs

Aroma: Camphoraceous, Vibrant, Fresh, Medicinal, Strong, Warm


Throughout history, Rosemary has been known to protect and bring good luck.  Rosemary essential oil is stimulating to mind and body which is helpful when you are confronting the enemy or about to engage in uncharted territory.  It helps you be fully alert and have mental clarity when you need to react quickly and think on your feet.  Rosemary helps fight fatigue and exhaustion as the battle ensues.  Rosemary will help you stay energized and invigorated until the battle is won and victory is yours.

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Thyme linalol
(Thymus vulgaris ct linalol):

Plant Part: Flowering Plant/Herbs

Aroma: Strong, Spicy, Balsamic, Fresh, Herbaceous


Thyme is said to instill courage, strength, and bravery.  The word "thyme" actually originates from the Greek word "thymon", meaning courage.  In ancient times, Roman soldiers soaked in Thyme-infused baths before heading out for battle.  The baths were used to absorb Thyme's physical healing and spiritually courageous properties.  During the Middle Ages, European ladies embroidered a sprig of Thyme on tunics for their knights as a token of courage.  Thyme energizes, uplifts, and improves stamina and concentration.

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Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides):

Plant Part: Roots

Aroma: Earthy, Warm, Woody, Deep, Balsamic, Exotic, Musky, Rich, Sensual


Vetiver is the aroma of earth.  Vetiver essential oil actually comes from the underground roots of the vetiver grass.  Mysterious and brooding, its deeply rich aroma brings you back to the ground and anchors your emotions in place.  Its balancing, grounding, and centering properties leave you feeling safe and secure.  It is an essential oil for the Root Chakra, and therefore strengthens, stabilizes, and calms you down before an unnerving ordeal.



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Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis):

Plant Part: Seeds


  • Antioxidant protection

  • Actually a liquid wax, is easily absorbed into the skin because it has absorption properties that are similar to our skin's own sebum

  • Hydrating, so it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles

  • Clearing and balancing

  • Supports the skin's natural pH balance which makes it great for all skin types



When you need a boost of confidence, pump potion into palm.  Rub palms together, cup palms over face, and take a moment to pause and deeply inhale the aroma.  Massage onto wrists, back of neck, and chest for added benefit.  Not recommended for face.  Reapply as needed.


Can be used on children 10 years of age and older.


If pregnant, nursing, suffering from any medical condition, or taking medication, consult a healthcare practitioner before use.  Avoid eyes and mucous membranes.  May irritate skin.  For external use only.  Keep out of reach of children.


Keep away from excessive heat and light.


We do not use the typical rollerball containers where applicator roller tip comes in contact with skin.


Instead, Face the Dragon Emotion Potion comes in a pump-cap bottle preventing contamination of liquid oil inside.


Our green bottles provide UV protection for our light-sensitive potions.


  • Synthetic fragrances or ingredients

  • Fillers

  • Toxic chemicals and preservatives

  • Pesticides

  • Parabens

  • Pthalates

  • Sulfates

  • Synthetic Dyes

  • Triclosan

  • Refined Oils


The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Twelve Spells products are not intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing or preventing any disease.  If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider.  


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